Diablo 3 was free for a short time at Xbox Live Gold

Many are likely to make the current scandals around Blizzard also the games of the studio Madig and some want to boycott the Group and no longer buy his games. You have not spent a cent if your Xbox LIVE Gold Member is and recently downloaded the Ultimate Evil Edition by Diablo 3. It was completely free for a short time in the context of Xbox Live Gold. Whether it is a mistake or a unannounced promo action is unclear.

The joy was of a short duration

However, the whole action smells more like unintentional mistakes as a planned offer. Because the free download worked only via the product page on the console, the browser version was no help. In addition, only the Ultimate Evil Edition was affected and no other variant of Diablo 3. According to the product side, this was "in gold" and could be downloaded from users. According to many players, this is now no longer the case.

Some reddit users suspect that the game was silent and secretly published as part of the free-to-play weekend, in which according to announcement was actually just talking about Two Point Hospital and Space Engineers. Others are sure that it has been a mistake and report that they can not play the game after downloading now. Which of the two parties right, however, will probably remain unclear without statement of official site.

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Lining for Diablo fans

Who calls Diablo 3 already his own in any case, may be neatly reinholzen at the current 24th season, which is at the start since the 23rd of July. Anyone who can not start so much with the third part and prefer to wait for the remake of the gloomy second part: to that an open beta should start in August. Who stands on action-rpgs and has no touch points with Diablo, our overview of the coming weeks and months should be guided.

Source: Eurogamer

Advertising: Diablo 3: Order Ultimate Evil Edition now at Amazon

From Jonas Höger author 03.08.2021 at 19:28

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