Apex Legends: Legend ASH capabilities

EA and Respawn Entertainment today publish further information on the new legend Ash and present their deadly skills. She is not known in the outlands as a reckless killer with no conscience and closes the apex games as a known face.

She decreases with the appearance of Apex Legends: Fight from 2 November to the games part and is a simulacrom of the former Ashleigh Reid. Now she has made it the task of eliminating every approach of weakness that held her as a person in the bridle. Now she is more than just the supervisor of the arenas.

The new trailer with a view of the deadly skills of Ash there are here:

On 2nd November, Ash becomes a 19th legend and mixes the Apex games with its deadly forces thoroughly:

Passive - Death Marking: An opponent is eliminated, Ash can see the position of his death box on the map and thus knows where opponents are probably going to go next. As soon as you reach a death box, you can find out with your data knife where the attackers are located at this moment. Tactical - Bowing: Inspired by her old Ronin-Titan, Ash throws a swirling trap that violates the first opponent and captivates her to close. If the bowing line hits a surface like the floor or a door, she remains active as a trap for a few seconds. Ultimate - Phase crack: ASH tears a disposable portal with your sword to one of your specific position. As soon as the portal is open, Ash comes immediately, but also allies as well as opponents have a little time to follow her.

Apex Legends Season 11 Legend Ash Abilities CONFIRMED?

Apex Legends: Flight also brings a new Battle passport with limited skins and rewards that can unlock legends by completing and ascending challenges. The official update will be published on 2 November for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X | S, Nintendo Switch and PC via Origin and Steam and initiates a new ranking season.
