Google demands epic games for fortnite

After several months in legal conflict against Apple, today it has been revealed that Google has demanded Epic Games. Through a statement, the company behind the Android has indicated that those responsible for Fortnite have enriched at their expense by introducing their own payment method at Battle Royale.

Unlike conflict with Apple, Google is only looking for monetary compensation . Similarly, this company does not oblige developers to use their play store as the main store for Android. This was what a representative of this company commented on this:

EPIC has been unjustly enriched at Google s expense. They choose this store when they are given a series of channels and applications on Android. Google supports the election from the Android itself, Google Play policies and Google agreements with developers and device manufacturers.

Google ensures that they have no problems with which Epic Games Lance an fortnite application without payments on their devices, but always from outside Play Store . Recall that when all this started, Battle Royale was withdrawn from this store, but it remained available on these devices by other means, and until today it continues to receive updates.

On related topics, we tell you here when I could return fortnite to the App Store. Similarly, a film of this game could already be under development.

Editor s note:

At the moment there is no clear solution for this problem, and considering that the conflict with Apple has resulted in great losses of money for Epic Games, it is very likely that this case has a similar outcome. Unlike the prior conflict, Google only seeks compensation, and its policies could make them win in a court.

Via: ZDnet.
