Lineage W November 2 (Tuesday) 12 o clock (noon) Pre-download starts! Start countdown up to the world s simultaneous release on the official site!

November is the eleventh month of the year in the Gregorian calendar. He has 30 days. November starts with the same day of the week as March and except in manual years as well as February.

NCSOFT Co., Ltd.

Prior download of Lineage W starts from November 2nd (Tuesday) 12 o clock (noon)!

Evolution of Lineage 2 (2002 - 2020) The pre-download of Lineage W has been decided from November 2 (Tuesday) 12 o clock (noon). Pre-download can be done with App Store, Google Play, and NCSOFT s original cross platform Purple . In addition, on the official site, we started counting down to the world s simultaneous release.

Lineage W is scheduled for simultaneous release in various countries and regions at 0:00 on Thursday, November 4.

«Add Store» «Google Play» «Purple »Https://

Details on Pre-Download can be checked on the Lineage W official site.

« Lineage W official site is here»

[Game Outline]

Lineage W is the latest title that was strategically developed as a premise of global deployment based on the concept of World Wide , while inheriting the legitimacy of the PC online game Lineage . Employs a full 3D graphic and quarter view, and in addition to service in Global One Build , Lineage W is expanded on the PC via NCSoft s own cross-platform Purple , including the NCSOFT s own cross-platform Purple . For smooth communication between players with different languages, also releases real-time AI (artificial intelligence) translations. NCSoft is scheduled to release the world simultaneously at 0 o clock on Thursday, November 4, 2021, Lineage W .

【Title information】

Title Name: Lineage W (Lineage W) Genre: MMORPG Price: Download Free (Some Item Billing) Correspondence Platform: Google Play / App Store / Windows Development / Operation: NCSOFT Release Date: November 4, 202 (Thu) Official site: https: // Japan Official Twitter: https: // jp Japan Official Line: https: // jp Global YouTube Channel: https: // www / ucqcl oesp8rvqa8ogtkkvq Copyright: (c) NCSoft Corporation. Certain Rights Granted to NC Japan KK All Rights Reserved.
