Apex Legends loses key members of your team: two directors abandon respawn

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Chad Greater and Jason McCord, Game and design directors respectively of Apex Legends, have announced their game of the Respawn Entertainment study. Both worked 11 years in the positions they leave today, and besides the Battle Royale, they also helped create other deliveries, such as both Titan fall launches, and several Call of Duty titles.

It is difficult to leave a game and a team that you love, but it is time to do something new Jason McCord It is difficult to leave a game and a team that you love, but it is time to do something new, he said McCord on his Twitter account. There are no plans at the moment, I'll walk on the ground for a while, and I'll recharge for strength.

Every Legend in Apex Legends Explained By Respawn | WIRED For the part of him, Greater wrote a farewell letter, where he devoted some words not only to the co-workers of him, but to the entire community of Apex Legends. It has been an unforgettable journey, but today, this crazy chapter reaches an end, says the director's words.

Despite these two simultaneous games, Greater assures that Apex Legends remains at good hands. Greater mentions, that he feels that he can get away from the title, knowing that the team will continue to take care of the community of the game. We have years of content planned, and I can not think of anyone better than Steven Ferreira as the new director of the title.

Ferreira worked with Greater since June 2019, shortly after the launch of Apex Legends. The game not only premieres new direction, because it recently started its new season, which came with a completely new map. Titan fall, on the other hand, was removed from digital stores and all video game subscription services.
