EA draws consequences: chaos

A popular cult shooter of EA will now finally disappear from the digital sales shelves of the various online stores. After a real drama around the pure online shooter titanium, ResPawn Entertainment now pulls the ripper. But what will happen with the servers of multiplayer games?

EA reacts: titanium is pulled out of traffic

For a long time, the catastrophic situation has been attracted to titanium — but now EA and the in-house playground studio redrawn entertainment finally draw consequences. After the pure online shooter has been made as good as unplayable for a very long time of hackers, he will not be offered for sale from now :

Even if Respawn Entertainment does not specify the exact reasons for the end of the sale, the continuous problems are very likely the possible cause. The studio seems to be the necessary resources to eliminate the hacker attacks at the now seven-year-old game would not want to spend more.

In Tweet, you also know that all subscription services for the game in March 2022 are also capped.

What happens to the servers of the online shooter?

Do fans of the cult shooter have to do without their matches? No, because Respawn Entertainment will continue to operate and leave the online servers — whether this brings a lot to the chaos situation with hacker attacks, remains at the time.

The essence of titanium case will continue to continue in its great successor titanium case 2 and the very successful APEX Legends Life — the latter has already formed in the latest past with crossover of the franchise.

Whelk highlights the current shooter has to offer EA, you can see in our tight video to Battlefield 2042 :

The sale of the EA shooter titanium will finally set. Players who already own the online game will still be able to enter the servers of the game. The hacker chaos will probably continue to persist.
