LOL: Cloud9 and the curious communication between the Koreans and Westerners of the team

You may have escaped the detail, but cloud9 , like many League of Legends teams, published a compilation of your _ "Voice CommS" _ for your true debut in LCS (Spring Split ). For the preseason tournament (Lock-in), Cloud9 had not been able to align his standard team due to visa problems with Korean players. This year, the franchise opted for many Korean players (Summit, Berseker and Winsome), and although it took a little bit to land in North America are already prepared to devastate everything.

This is not the first time that Korean talents come to play in the West. North America, Europe or even Turkey have always tried to rescue a Korean jewel. But not all imports of LCK are successful and structures often face recurring problems: Korean players do not always manage to integrate (cultural shock) and communication can take long to settle.

If today players like HUNI or SSUMDAY speak very well English, in its beginnings it was much more chaotic... and is that currently in C9 , while most of the headlines speak Korean, communication is made in both languages ​​ depending on the situation. On paper it seems a bit complicated but at the moment it works, considering that the team goes 3-1 .

A temporary or permanent Anglo-Korean communication?

As the Koreans just arrived , one can easily understand why they still do not speak perfect English. In addition, with 3 Korean players (Winsome has double nationality) one wonders if the team will really change one day to a 100% communication in English. The problem is that Baber and Fudge do not speak Korean and run the risk of being excluded.

During the Draft Phase , we set noticeably to the Jungle ask Summit a question in English about the choice of him. The latter did not understand and ls, the coach, had to make translator . At that time, there was nothing that penalized this part, but if it happens within the game, it would have been another totally different story.

The synergy in Botlane will not be a problem since the ADC and the support are Koreans . Seeing them communicating in your native language is not disturbing and to achieve maximum efficiency, one can imagine seeing them maintaining this operation. What could be more problematic are the synergies Top / Jungle and jungle / support . In part, these synergies are very important and blaber serves as the main link of everything. It is not clear how fast they will learn English Summit and company, so the fastest solution could be to give the Jungle some Korean lessons.

Foto: Cloud9 /// ORIGINAL OF MGG FR

Can Koreans Speak In Pure Korean? (No English Words Challenge) | ASIAN BOSS
